Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Preface: This Report for the year ended March 2010 has been prepared for submission to the President under Article 151 of the Constitution. The Report contains the results of examination by Audit of the Issue of Licenses and Allocation of 2G Spectrum of Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. The audit covers the period from
2003-04 to 2009-10.
I. Changes in the Telecommunications sector in India
In the last two decades the telecom sector witnessed rapid transformation with the National Telecom Policy-94 setting the stage for opening up of the sector. With changes in the sector, cellular mobile services outgrew the fixed line services. The most important change was the shift to a revenue sharing regime in National Telecom Policy (NTP) 1999 where the operators shared their revenue with the Government in the form of annual licence fee and spectrum charges. The Unified Access Services Licence (UASL) 2003 sought to frame the road map for a uniform licencing regime.

II. Why did we decide to do an audit on the Issue of Licence and allocation of Spectrum now?

This sector has witnessed dynamic and rapid transition. It had been subject to audit and a report titled “Package of Concessions Given to Cellular Mobile Operators” was presented to Parliament in May 2000. A further review of the “Revenue Management in the Department of Telecommunications” was also undertaken by this office in 2004-05. This review mainly focused on the system of collection and accounting of licence fee and spectrum charges from the licensees. The Report based on this review was presented to Parliament in May 2006.
In January 2008, Department of Telecommunications issued 120 new licences for unified access services on the same day. These licences were issued at price which had been discovered in 2001. Issuance of 120 licences in just one day and at a price discovered in 2001 has drawn the attention of Media, Parliament and informed members of the civil society. Questions have been raised regarding the transparency in the allocation process and the failure in maximization of revenue generation from the allocation of spectrum, which is a national asset. This department had been receiving innumerable references from Members of Parliament and other sources repeatedly, questioning the allocation process and the price fixed for such allocation. The claim in each such reference is that ineligible applicants seem to have been granted licences and at a price which appeared far below what has been perceived to be the appropriate market price in 2008. It was in this context that this department felt that there was a sufficient justification to review the entire process of issuance of licences, award of spectrum and the implementation of the UAS regime. The need for doing so was further justified as six years have passed since the introduction of the UAS regime in 2003. While accepting the Government's prerogative to formulate the policy of UASL, it was felt that an in-depth examination of implementation of such policy needed to be done.
III. How this Report is Organised?

Chapter 1 and 2 of this Report give the Policy Overview, System of issue of licences & allotment of spectrum and the Audit Approach. In Chapter 3, we have narrated the Audit findings relating to the implementation of UAS policy and Chapter 4 details the findings on the procedural lapses. Chapter 5 attempts to highlight the various indicators available to assess the presumptive value of spectrum. To attempt at deriving a maximum realizable economic value for allocation of 2G spectrum licences in 2008, recourse would have to be taken to a menu of different economic models. Each such model would be based on certain assumptions which may not necessarily be obtained when Government decides on a price for a scarce national asset as there would be no foolproof market discovery mechanism at any point of time. Each set of assumptions underlying the economic models could be open to questions and be disputed.
For this reason we have only attempted to arrive at a presumptive value in this Report.

IV. Major Findings

(i) Gaps in policy implementation
In August 2003 TRAI had submitted a Report recommending a road map for allocation of licences. This Report formed the basis for the UAS policy approved by the Council of Ministers in October 2003. The implementation of UASL regime was to be carried out in two phases with first phase of six months assigned for migration of already existing Basic Service Operators (BSOs) and Cellular Mobile Service Operators (CMSOs) to the new regime. The entry fee for migration of BSOs was determined as the fee equal to what was paid by the fourth cellular operator introduced through multi-stage bidding process in 2001. CMSOs were not required to pay any entry fee for migrating as they had already entered the market through a bidding process and thus paid a market determined price.
The second phase was to start after the first phase in which a Unified Licencing regime, with a nominal entry fee for the licence with the spectrum being charged separately, was envisaged.
However, Audit examination reveals that the Department of Telecom did not implement the licensing regime as approved by the Cabinet and implemented only the first phase of the policy, overlooking the second phase. In the actual implementation, the interim stage of implementation seems to have become the final destination. This appears to have become the underlying factor, quite erroneously, to value the spectrum in 2008 at 2001
prices. An important objective of this policy decision to delink the prices of spectrum from the issue of licence and devise an efficient allocation formula for spectrum along with an appropriate price, remained unachieved. Ministry of Finance was authorized by the Cabinet decision of 2003 to participate in the discussion for efficient allocation of spectrum and price fixation but DOT decided not to associate the Ministry of Finance.
As a consequence of such lacunae in the implementation of the policy laid down by the Council of Ministers in 2003 the issuance of licences in 2008 along with allocation of spectrum has been done by DoT at prices determined in 2001 which were based on a totally nascent market despite the sector witnessing substantial transformation and manifold growth. The issue was never placed before Cabinet for a review.
(ii) Telecom Commission was not consulted
From a scrutiny of the records and information made available it appears that the High Powered Telecom Commission which also includes part time members from the Ministry of Finance, Industry, IT and Planning Commission was not apprised of the TRAI recommendations of August 2007 and hence, was not afforded an opportunity to deliberate on the merits of the TRAI recommendations. It is also seen that the High Powered Telecom Commission was not even consulted at the time of grant of 122 UAS licences in 2008.
(iii) Views and concerns of Ministry of Finance overruled
It was noted in Audit that DoT managed to keep the issue of spectrum pricing outside the purview of the GoM. The GoM's role in December 2006 was confined to issues concerning spectrum vacation. The ToRs left out the other two issues of efficient allocation and pricing, while all three were pronounced in the policy decision of 2003. Thus by getting the spectrum pricing issue deleted from the ToR, the DoT completely side-tracked the pricing issues.
It has also been revealed in the course of audit that the Ministry of Finance, in November 2007, had questioned the sanctity of continuing with the price determined way back in 2001 without any indexation or current valuation. The Ministry had sought a review of the matter. This advice of the Ministry of Finance was overlooked by the DoT ostensibly on the basis of a four-year old Cabinet decision (October 2003) on the premise that it was authorized to calculate the entry fee for licences as per the recommendations of TRAI in
2003 . DoT maintained that 'spectrum pricing was within the normal work carried out by them.'
(iv) Advice of Ministry of Law and Justice were ignored
In October 2007 at its own initiative, the DoT requested the Ministry of Law and Justice to obtain and communicate the opinion of the Attorney General/Solicitor General of India to enable the DoT to handle an unprecedented rush of applications in a fair and equitable manner which would be legally tenable. The Ministry of Law, at the level of the Hon'ble
Minister, opined that in view of the importance of the case and the various options which seem to have emerged, it was necessary that the whole issue be first considered by an Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) and in that process legal opinion of the Attorney General can be obtained. Surprisingly, this opinion, which the DoT had sought on its own volition, was felt to be 'out of context' at the level of the Hon'ble MoC&IT and hence the benefit of a discussion in the EGoM was also forgone. Thus, such important decisions
seem to have been taken in DoT without the issues being deliberated and discussed at an inter ministerial forum.
(v) Hon'ble Prime Minister's suggestions were not followed
In November 2007, the Hon’ble Prime Minister wrote to Hon'ble MoC&IT and expressed concern that in the backdrop of the inadequate spectrum and the unprecedented number of applications received for fresh licenses, spectrum pricing through a fair and transparent method of auction for revision of entry fee, which is currently benchmarked on an old figure, needs to be reconsidered. This advice of the Hon’ble Prime Minister evoked an immediate response from the Hon'ble MoC&IT who on the same day replied that the
issue of auction of spectrum was considered by the TRAI and the Telecom Commission and it was not recommended by them as the existing licence holders had already got spectrum upto 10 mega hertz per circle without any spectrum charge. Hon'ble MoC&IT further informed that his Ministry has come to the conclusion that it will be unfair, discriminatory, arbitrary and capricious to auction spectrum to new applicants as it will not give them a level playing field. He had thus, justified the allotment of spectrum to a few new operators in 2008 without reconsidering the old entry fee discovered in 2001 ignoring the advice of the Hon'ble Prime Minister.
(vi) Arbitrary changes by DoT in the cut-off date.
The TRAI report of August 2007 had recommended 'no cap' on the number of licences in any service area. Despite this recommendation of TRAI, the DoT issued a Press Release on 24th September 2007 stating that applications for issue of licences would be accepted only upto 1.10.2007. This action, in effect, conveyed fixation of an artificial cap in the number of licenses to be awarded. However, in its response (July 2010) to the report issued to the Ministry (July 2010), the Ministry has stated that it accepted the recommendation of 'no cap' by the TRAI in October 2007. It seems that the Ministry, by issuing the press release in advance in September 2007 had, in effect, circumvented the recommendation of TRAI by taking an action counter to the recommendation and its acceptance by DoT in October 2007. To further compound the earlier decision, of restricting consideration of applications received up to 1.10.2007, the DoT further advanced this date to restrict issuance of Letters of Intent (LoIs) only to applications received up to 25.09.2007. This was ostensibly to avoid legal implications in view of the
shortage of spectrum for GSM services.
(vii) FCFS Policy was not followed
The First Come First Served (FCFS) policy earlier internally adopted in DoT for allocation of spectrum,was then extended for issue of new UAS licences. Under this policy, all applications are registered in the Central Registry Section of DoT where date of receipt and serial numbers are posted on it. Priority of applications is determined based on this date of receipt in the Central Registry. In a communication dated 2nd November 2007, the
Hon'ble MoC&IT had even confirmed to the Hon'ble Prime Minister that the processing of applications was to be on the FCFS basis. However, audit found that DoT deviated even from the FCFS policy in letter and spirit. The applications submitted between March 2006 and 25th September 2007 were issued the LoIs simultaneously on a single day, viz. 10th January 2008. A notice was issued through a press release giving less than an hour to collect the same. This decision to issue LoIs simultaneously to all applicants was taken at the level of the Minister. As per the FCFS policy being followed those who were issued LoIs were given 15 days to fulfill the conditions. This included submission of a Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) and a Financial Bank Guarantee (FBG). By changing the FCFS criteria, some licensees, who could proactively anticipate such procedural changes were
ready with the Demand Drafts drawn on dates prior to the notification of cut off date by DoT and could avail the benefit of first right to allocation of spectrum, having jumped the queue. The entire process followed lacked transparency and objectivity and has eroded the credibility of DoT.
(viii) Issue of license to ineligible applicants
Process followed by the DoT for verification of applications for UAS licences for confirming their eligibility lacked due diligence, fairness and transparency leading to grant of licences to applicants who were not eligible. Eighty five out of the 122 licenses issued in 2008 were found to be issued to Companies which did not satisfy the basic eligibility conditions set by the DoT and had suppressed facts, disclosed incomplete information and submitted fictitious documents for getting UAS licenses and thereby access to spectrum.
(ix) Presumptive value of spectrum allocated to 122 new UAS licencees and 35 Dual Technology licencees in 2007-08
Any loss ascertained while attempting to value the 2G spectrum allocated to 122 licencees in 2008 can only be 'presumptive', given the fact that there are varied determinants like its scarcity value, the nature of competition, business plans envisaged, number of operators, growth of sector etc. which, depending upon the market situation, would throw up the price that it commands at a given point of time. Instead of attempting to come to a specific
value of 2G spectrum which could have been possible only through an efficient market discovery process, we have looked at the various indicators to assess a possible (presumptive) value, from the records made available to Audit rather than going for any mathematical/econometric models.
1. On 5th November 2007 through a letter addressed to the Hon'ble Prime Minister, S Tel limited who was a prospective licencee, having applied for UAS licences in July/September 2007, had offered to pay a higher price in the shape of additional revenue share for next ten years. The offer was enhanced by the firm with a stipulation to further revise it upwards, in case of any counter bid. At the prices offered by the Company, value of 122 new licenses and 35 Dual Technology licenses after discounting for the receivables in future years works out to Rs 65,909 crores as against Rs 12,386 crores actually received.
2. Auction of 3G spectrum was recommended by TRAI in its Report submitted to Government in September 2006. In its Report of 2010, they have observed that it was fair to compare 2G with 3G and recommended 3G prices to be adopted as current price of 2G spectrum in 1800 Mhz band. If these recommendations, which have not so far been accepted by the Government are taken into account, then the value of 2G spectrum allotted to the 122 new licensees and 35 Dual Technology licences would be much higher at about Rs 1,52,038 crores as against the amount actually received.
3. Many of the new UAS licensees of 2008 have been able to attract substantial amount of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Value of a new company with no experience in the Telecom sector can primarily be taken as that of the license and access to spectrum.
This would have been the prime consideration for foreign companies while infusing large amount of capital in the form of equity in these companies shortly after award of license. Based on this indicator, value of a pan India license works out between Rs 7,758 crores and Rs 9,100 crores as against Rs 1,658 crores priced by DoT. The total value for 122 new licences and 35 Dual Technology licences would be between Rs 58,000 to Rs 68,000 crores as against the actual revenue of Rs 12,386 crores realized.
Thus, on the values determined through various indicators, the presumptive value of 2G spectrum on account of grant of 157 licenses in different circles during 2007-08 would be in the range of approximately Rs 58,000 crores to Rs 1,52,038 crores.
(x) Value of additional spectrum allotted to 13 existing operators beyond contracted quantities
Spectrum was allotted by DoT to the existing operators beyond the contracted limits without imposing any upfront charge for such allotment. The value of spectrum held by 13 operators for 51 circles based on the 2001 rates worked out to Rs 2561 crores. Based on the above indicators, value would be in the range of Rs 12,000 crores and Rs 37,000 crores.
TRAI's recommendation (2010) for charging this additional quantity of spectrum has not been accepted by the Government so far.

Court adjourns hearing on black money case

New Delhi, Feb 3 : 
The Supreme Court Thursday did not hear the petition seeking a direction to the government to take steps for the recovery of black money stashed away in foreign banks in tax havens.
The case was listed for hearing by the apex court bench of Justices B. Sudarshan Reddy and S.S. Mijjar. It was adjourned as Justice Mijjar was on leave.
The court that is hearing the petition by eminent jurist Ram Jethmalani had in the last hearing asked the central government to file a comprehensive affidavit giving details on the money stashed abroad, the people involved and the steps taken by it to recover the same.

India has lost $462 billion

A staggering loss:

                         The image of BJP leader Bangaru Laxman accepting bribe.

Post independence, India lost a staggering US $462 billion in illicit financial flows due to tax evasion, crime and corruption, a research and advocacy group said in a report on Wednesday.

The report, the Drivers and Dynamics of Illicit Financial Flows from India: 1948-2008, released by Washington-based Global Financial Integrity (GFI) found that the faster rates of economic growth since economic reform started in 1991 led to a deterioration of income distribution which led to more illicit flows from the country. 

Evasion, corruption, bribery:

                   A Raja, the latest telecom minister to be embroiled in a scam.

According to the primary findings of the report from 1948 through 2008, India lost a total of $213 billion in illicit financial flows (or illegal capital flight).

These illicit financial flows were generally the product of: tax evasion, corruption, bribery and kickbacks, and criminal activities.

Stark reality:

'The present value of India's total illicit financial flows (IFFs) is at least $462 billion. This is based on the short-term US Treasury bill rate as a proxy for the rate of return on assets. India's aggregate illicit flows are more than twice the current external debt of $230 billion,' the report said.
'This report puts into stark terms the financial cost of tax evasion, corruption, and other illicit financial practices in India,' said Global Financial Integrity director Raymond Baker.
'It also shows that these illicit outflows contribute to stagnating levels of poverty and an ever widening gap between India's rich and poor,' he said.

Salting away billions:

Activists from the Samajwadi Abhiyan (Socialist campaign) protest against Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi and Congress-led UPA government during a demonstration in this 2006 file photo.

From 1948 through 2008, the Indian private sector shifted away from deposits in developed country banks and moved more of its money into offshore financial centres (OFCs).
The share of OFC deposits increased from 36.4 per cent in 1995 to 54.2 per cent in 2009, the report said.

Underground economy:

In this hand-out photograph, Indian Member of Parliament Pradeep Gandhi of the Bhartiya Janta party (BJP), Rajnandgaon accepts Indian rupees 10,000 at his residence in Rajnandgaon, 08 November 2005.

'In this report we clearly demonstrate how India's underground economy is closely tied to illicit financial outflows,' said, GFI lead economist and report author, Dr Dev Kar.
'The total present value of India's illicit assets held abroad accounts for approximately 72 per cent of India's underground economy. This means that almost three-quarters of the illicit assets comprising India's underground economy - which has been estimated to account for 50 per cent of India's GDP (approximately USD 640 billion at the end of 2008)- ends up outside of the country,' Kar said.

Monday, February 7, 2011


  • According to corruption watchdog Global Financial Integrity,Rs 20,79,000 crorewas transferred out of the country illegally between 1948 and 2008.That money could repeat the UPAI farm loan waiver scheme 35 times.
    • With the 2G money the Government lost thanks to Raja,8,800 crore solar power plants generating 1 MWeach could have been put up nationwide, enough to resolve our electricity shortage many times over.   
    • In 2008, black money
      in India amounted to Rs 28 lakh crore. Just half of that could retire India's
      foreign debt.The remaining would be enough to give every Indian Rs 14,000. 

    • The Swiss
      BankingAssociation Report of 2008 reveals that Indians hold $1,891 billion in
      deposits. That's about Rs 8,50,950 crore; in Rs 1,000 notes laid end to end,
      this amount would girdle the globe more than 37 times.

    • With the 2G money the
      Government lost thanks to Raja,8,800 crore solar power plants generating 1
      MWeach could have been put up nationwide, enough to resolve our electricity
      shortage many times over.
    • The estimated amount paid by Indians as bribes to the legal system is Rs 2,360 crorE


    It Took some decades for TATA,RELIANCE,BAJAJ,INFOSYS, WIPRO,ADITYA GROUP and many more corporate houses in India to Become Billion Dollar Companies
    But For our YSR Family & co it Took Just 4.5 Years to become Emperor for 78000 crore corrupted Kingdom
    Andhra Pradesh Annual Budget for 2008-2009 is 1,00,000 Crores.............YSR Family Market Capitalization is 78000 Crores ...........1 Family ==1 State ...
    The share Value of  NTPC(23000MW capacity)  is 290Rs........The share Value ofSandoor Power(22.50 MW Capacity) is 675Rs........Its the time for Financial Institutions & Market experts to learn from YSR Family&Co
    The Market Capitalization of Jagathi Publications(Mother of Sakshipaper & Sakshi Television)before yet to start the Production is 3600 crores........Its the Magic of Yuvaraja
    If  we call the 7800Croresfraud in Satyamas India’s Biggest Financial scam  ....what is the name we can use for 78000 crorescam Done by YSR  Family&  Co......No body can dare to name it
    In 1956power generation capacity ofAP is213MW........It took 53 years to increase the Capacity to 12500MW..........In Bihar Still it is 4000MWonly ...........ButAthena Energy(One More Company from YSR's family & Started 2 yrs back) is planning to Generate 14000MWwith in7years.....again its the Magic ofYSR Family & Co........Corporate World Should learn lessons from YSR&Familyfor reaching this much heights within short time......
    In Raghuram cements YS Jagan share was 45 crores when he bought.....With in Few years it was renamed as Bharathi Cements and the  share value increased to6500Crores........What an idea Sirji !!!!!!!!!  
    The ever Biggest Fraud In Indian Economy & Politics


    This is so shocking…. ….If black money deposits was an Olympics event…. India would have won agold medal hands down. The second best Russia has 4 times lesser deposit. U.S. is not even there in the counting in top five! India has more money in Swiss banks than all the other countries combined!
    Recently, due to international pressure, the Swiss government agreed to disclose the names of the account holders only if the respective governments formally asked for it.. Indian government is not asking for the details….. marks for guessing why?
    We need to start a movement to pressurise the government to do so! This is perhaps the only way, and a golden opportunity, to expose the high and mighty and weed out corruption!
    Please read on……and forward to all the honest Indians to… somebody is forwarding to you…….and build a ground-swell of support for action ! Is India poor, who says? Ask the Swiss banks. With personal account deposit bank of $1,500 billion in foreign reserve which have been misappropriated, an amount 13 times larger than the country’s foreign debt, one needs to rethink if India is a poor country?
    DISHONEST INDUSTRIALISTS, scandalous politicians and corrupt IAS, IRS, IPS officers have deposited in foreign banks in their illegal personal accounts a sum of about $1500 billion, which have been misappropriated by them. This amount is about 13 times larger than the country’s foreign debt. With this amount 45 crore poor people can get Rs 1,00,000 each.
    This huge amount has been appropriated from the people of India by exploiting and betraying them. Once this huge amount of black money and property comes back to India , the entire foreign debt can be repaid in 24 hours. After paying the entire foreign debt, we will have surplus amount, almost 12 times larger than the foreign debt. If this surplus amount is invested in earning interest, the amount of interest will be more than the annual budget of the Central government. So even if all the taxes are abolished, then also the Central government will be able to maintain the country very comfortably.
    Some 80,000 people travel to Switzerland every year, of whom 25,000 travel very frequently. ‘Obviously, these people won’t be tourists.. They must be travelling there for some other reason,’ believes an official involved in tracking illegal money.. And, clearly, he isn’t referring to the commerce ministry bureaucrats who’ve been flitting in and out of Geneva ever since the World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiations went into a tailspin!
    Just read the following details and note how these dishonest industrialists, scandalous politicians, corrupt officers, cricketers, film actors, illegal sex trade and protected wildlife operators, to name just a few, sucked this country’s wealth and prosperity. This may be the picture of deposits in Swiss banks only. What about other international banks ?
    Black money in Swiss banks — Swiss Banking Association report, 2006 details bank deposits in the territory of Switzerland by nationals of following countries :
    INDIA $1,456 BILLION
    U.K. $390 BILLION
    Now do the math’s – India with $1,456 billion or $1.4 trillion has more money in Swiss banks than rest of the world combined. Public loot since 1947:
    Can we bring back our money ? It is one of the biggest loots witnessed by mankind — the loot of the Aam Aadmi (common man) since 1947, by his brethren occupying public office. It has been orchestrated by politicians, bureaucrats and some businessmen.
    The list is almost all-encompassing. No wonder, everyone in India loots with impunity and without any fear. What is even more depressing in that this ill-gotten wealth of ours has been stashed away abroad into secret bank accounts located in some of the world’s best known tax havens. And to that extent the Indian economy has been stripped of its wealth. Ordinary Indians may not be exactly aware of how such secret accounts operate and what are the rules and regulations that go on to govern such tax havens. However, one may well be aware of ‘Swiss bank accounts,’ the shorthand for murky dealings, secrecy and of course pilferage from developing countries into rich developed ones.
    In fact, some finance experts and economists believe tax havens to be a conspiracy of the western world against the poor countries. By allowing the proliferation of tax havens in the twentieth century, the western world explicitly encourages the movement of scarce capital from the developing countries to the rich. In March 2005, the Tax Justice Network (TJN) published a research finding demonstrating that $11.5 trillion of personal wealth was held offshore by rich individuals across the globe.
    The findings estimated that a large proportion of this wealth was managed from some 70 tax havens. Further, augmenting these studies of TJN, Raymond Baker — in his widely celebrated book titled ‘Capitalism’ s Achilles Heel: Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free Market System’ — estimates that at least $5 trillion have been shifted out of poorer countries to the West since the mid-1970.
    It is further estimated by experts that one per cent of the world’s population holds more than 57 per cent of total global wealth, routing it invariably through these tax havens.
    How much of this is from India is anybody’s guess.